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~ K U N S T ~ L E B E N ~ C O M ~

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BILD7392  of Ingeborg Berger
Impressionen - impressões IMG 3186 of  Orfeu de SantaTeresa
Stein, Schere, Papier oder so... of Sven Wangemann
acto 3360  of  Orfeu de SantaTeresa
Friedwald of Helga Kreuzritter
Josephine Baker  of  Orfeu de SantaTeresa
Lebenselixier  of Dietmar-Mario Schütz
Hungernde  of  Orfeu de SantaTeresa

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title: Friedwald
artist: Helga Kreuzritter
size:29 x 40 cm
style: sacrale-art
motif: people
. Friedwald
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Beerdigung
title: In Eile
artist: Helga Kreuzritter
size:40 x 30 cm
style: symbolism
motif: people
. In Eile
This is a presentation.

short description: Menschen in Eile
title: Anesia II
artist (F): Anne Marie Göldi
size:60 x 80 cm
style: impressionism
motif: people
. Anesia II
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Afrikanerin
title: Himbamädchen II
artist (F): Anne Marie Göldi
size:60 x 80 cm
style: impressionism
motif: people
. Himbamädchen II
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: aus Namibia Afrika
title: Monster-Mauer Berlin
artist (F): Johanna Leipold
size:100 x 160 cm
style: expressionism
motif: people
. Monster-Mauer Berlin
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Zum 20-Jahr Jubiläum des Berliner Mauerfalls
title: Das Gelächter
artist (F): Johanna Leipold
size:100 x 150 cm
style: expressionism
motif: people
. Das Gelächter
Sale possible by asking price

short description: Aus dem Zyklus"MannsBilder und Frauenzimmer"
title: Der Wassermann
artist (F): Johanna Leipold
size:80 x 80 cm
style: figuration
motif: people
. Der Wassermann
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Aus der Serie 'Sternzeichen', die männliche Variante
title: Der Widder
artist (F): Johanna Leipold
size:100 x 120 cm
style: figuration
motif: people
. Der Widder
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: Aus der Serie "Sternzeichen", die männliche Variante
title: Wartend
artist (m): Burghard Reihs
size:70 x 60 cm
style: impressionism
motif: people
. Wartend
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Menschen - Figur
title: Willkommen
artist (F): Melanie Stens
size:20 x 20 cm
style: abstract-expressionism
motif: people
. Willkommen
This is a presentation.

short description: abstrakte Szene eines jungen Elternpaares zusammen mit ihrem Neugeborenen unter der schützenden Obhut der Hebamme
title: Allein
artist: Mamu
size:80 x 120 cm
style: naive-painting
motif: people
. Allein
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: Acrxl auf Leinwand - 120 x 80 cm
title: Mit Volldampf ins Leben
artist: Mamu
size:50 x 70 cm
style: naive-painting
motif: people
. Mit Volldampf ins Leben
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: Acryl auf Leinwand
title: Stumme Bitte
artist (F): Anne Marie Göldi
size:30 x 40 cm
style: drawing
motif: people
. Stumme Bitte
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: soft Pastell
title: Nancy
artist (F): Anne Marie Göldi
size:50 x 50 cm
style: impressionism
motif: people
. Nancy
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Acryl und Pastellkereide
title: Die Steinböckin
artist (F): Johanna Leipold
size:100 x 70 cm
style: figuration
motif: people
. Die Steinböckin
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Aus der Serie 'Sternzeichen', die weibliche Variante
title: Die Fischin
artist (F): Johanna Leipold
size:100 x 70 cm
style: figuration
motif: people
. Die Fischin
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Aus der Serie 'Sternzeichen', die weibliche Variante
title: Freundeskreis
artist (F): Melanie Stens
size:180 x 180 cm
style: abstract-art-general
motif: people
. Freundeskreis
This is a presentation.

short description: abstrakt, figürliche Personen-Gruppe
title: Verbotene Frucht
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:90 x 80 cm
style: cubism
motif: people
. Verbotene Frucht
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Drei Freunde
artist: Helga Kreuzritter
size:14 x 21 cm
style: symbolism
motif: people
. Drei Freunde
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Freundschaft
title: Janus
artist: Helga Kreuzritter
size:21 x 14 cm
style: symbolism
motif: people
. Janus
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Doppelgesichtigkeit
title: Nordic Dancing
artist: Helga Kreuzritter
size:20 x 14 cm
style: symbolism
motif: people
. Nordic Dancing
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Objekt
title: Hope
artist: Helga Kreuzritter
size:50 x 40 cm
style: object-art
motif: people
. Hope
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Boat People
title: Traumtänzer
artist: Helga Kreuzritter
size:58 x 40 cm
style: object-art
motif: people
. Traumtänzer
This is a presentation.

short description: Tanz
title: Traum vom Fliegen
artist: Helga Kreuzritter
size:92 x 70 cm
style: object-art
motif: people
. Traum vom Fliegen
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Fliegen
title: DEUTSCHLAND - Ein Sommermärchen
artist: Helga Kreuzritter
size:100 x 70 cm
style: object-art
motif: people
. DEUTSCHLAND - Ein Sommermärchen
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Fußball-WM 2006
title: Begegnung
artist: Mamuré Markovic
size:100 x 100 cm
style: symbolism
motif: people
. Begegnung
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Begegnung
title: karibische schönheit
artist (F): Sabine Menke
size:60 x 80 cm
style: phantastic-realism
motif: people
. karibische schönheit
The work can be bought for fixed price
price: fixed price 250,00 €

short description: Erinnerungen an die schönen Mädchen der Karibik
title: Fragende-Augen
artist (F): Anne Marie Göldi
size:30 x 40 cm
style: drawing
motif: people
. Fragende-Augen
This is a presentation.

short description: Aquarell und Pastellkreide
title: Alte Masaifrau
artist (F): Anne Marie Göldi
size:40 x 30 cm
style: drawing
motif: people
. Alte Masaifrau
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Aquarell und Pastellkreide
title: criancas 53
artist (m): Orfeu de SantaTeresa
size:75 x 100 cm
style: digital-art
motif: people
. criancas 53
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.
price: on query

short description: FotoDesign
title: irmaos 35
artist (m): Orfeu de SantaTeresa
size:75 x 100 cm
style: digital-art
motif: people
. irmaos 35
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.
price: on query

short description: FotoDesign
title: menina-moca 48
artist (m): Orfeu de SantaTeresa
size:75 x 100 cm
style: digital-art
motif: people
. menina-moca 48
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.
price: on query

short description: FotoDesign
title: motociclista 69
artist (m): Orfeu de SantaTeresa
size:75 x 100 cm
style: digital-art
motif: people
. motociclista 69
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.
price: on query

short description: FotoDesign
title: mulherbranca 0
artist (m): Orfeu de SantaTeresa
size:75 x 100 cm
style: digital-art
motif: people
. mulherbranca 0
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.
price: on query

short description: FotoDesign
title: pescador 3
artist (m): Orfeu de SantaTeresa
size:75 x 100 cm
style: digital-art
motif: people
. pescador 3
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.
price: on query

short description: FotoDesign
title: Kommunikation
artist (F): Melanie Stens
size:120 x 150 cm
style: abstract-art-general
motif: people
. Kommunikation
This is a presentation.

short description: abstrakt, figürliche Personen-Gruppe im Gespräch
title: Clown
artist: Helga Kreuzritter
size:32 x 24 cm
style: symbolism
motif: people
. Clown
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Clown
title: PUNKS
artist: Helga Kreuzritter
size:32 x 24 cm
style: symbolism
motif: people
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: Punks in der Stadt
title: junges_Maedchen
artist: Mamuré Markovic
size:66 x 65 cm
style: impressionism
motif: people
. junges_Maedchen
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: junges Maedchen
title: sonniger weg
artist (F): Sabine Menke
size:70 x 50 cm
style: expressionism
motif: people
. sonniger weg
The work can be bought for fixed price
price: fixed price 180,00 €

short description: ...nach Motiven August Mackes
title: leute am blauen see
artist (F): Sabine Menke
size:70 x 50 cm
style: expressionism
motif: people
. leute am blauen see
The work can be bought for fixed price
price: fixed price 180,00 €

short description: ...nach Motiven August Mackes
title: Punk
artist (m): Henning O.
size:80 x 100 cm
style: pop-art
motif: people
. Punk
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: PoP ArT Unikat/Signiert Photopainting in C-Print auf Leinwand/Keilrahmen
title: Internet
artist (m): gerald rehn
size:40 x 30 cm
style: figuration
motif: people
. Internet
This is a presentation.

short description: Internet
title: Alter Clown
artist: Helga Kreuzritter
size:39 x 28 cm
style: figuration
motif: people
. Alter Clown
This is a presentation.

short description: Clown
title: frau mit hut
artist (F): Sabine Menke
size:60 x 50 cm
style: figuration
motif: people
. frau mit hut
The work can be bought for fixed price
price: fixed price 150,00 €

short description: nach Motiven August Mackes
title: weiblicher akt nach macke
artist (F): Sabine Menke
size:40 x 30 cm
style: figuration
motif: people
. weiblicher akt nach macke
The work can be bought for fixed price
price: fixed price 50,00 €

short description: nach Motiven August Mackes
title: pp180grins-det
artist (m): Peter Trautner
size:180 x 100 cm
style: drawing
motif: people
. pp180grins-det
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: ungefähr 5000 Striche mit Tusche und Zeichenfeder auf Packpapier als Schraffur lassen ein Gesicht entstehen. Da hinein kommt ein Ausschnitt, der mit Acrylfarbe diese Stelle malt.
title: Der große Handel
artist (m): Roland H. Heyder
size:80 x 160 cm
style: phantastic-realism
motif: people
. Der große Handel
This is a presentation.

short description: " The big trade ", 2001, triptych oil on canvas 32 x 64 inches
title: WIR
artist: Helga Kreuzritter
size:62 x 29 cm
style: figuration
motif: people
This is a presentation.

short description: Selbstbildnis mit zweiter Person
title: Camouflage I, II, III
artist: Helga Kreuzritter
size:75 x 49 cm
style: figuration
motif: people
. Camouflage I, II, III
This is a presentation.

short description: Camouflage
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~ K U N S T ~ L E B E N ~ C O M ~
27 art styles represent 2421 works

paintings of abstract styles -
abstract art general - 91
abstract expressionism - 3
concrete art - 2
cubism - 26
geometric abstraction - 5
naive painting - 18
suprematism - 1

paintings - non abstract -
expressionism - 112
figuration »
all works of the style (21)fixed price (7)presentation (6)on query (8)

artists of style on | off

historism - 1
illustration - 5
impressionism - 99
naturalism - 84
phantastic realism - 102
photorealism - 1
pop art - 10
realism - 35
romantic - 73
sacrale art - 4
surrealism - 24
symbolism - 31

more than paintings -
digital art - 1355
drawing - 14
neither nor - 3
object art - 44
photo art - 256

2286 works contain following motifs:

38 - abstraction
50 - animals
58 - architecture
22 - bizarr pictures
3 - crazy art
14 - dreamscapes
8 - everydays
66 - experimental
64 - flowers
423 - landscapes
1 - Menschen/
744 - motivation
17 - music
1 - neurotics
39 - non abtract art
44 - nudes
» people ...
».. all works (536) ».. asking price (2) ».. fixed price (26) ».. presentation (19) ».. on query (489)
42 - phantastics
2 - religious
19 - spirituals
32 - Spirituelle Kunst
2 - sports
1 - TOP offer
60 - universe


Last comment: 2010.06.23
" Hallo, geheimnisvolle Ausstrahlung.Super.LG Nicol ... "

10 accidentally keywords are:
mehrfarbig | Regen | Fischen | JobCenter | Angela | Psychodelic | Natue | Herbst | Überraschung | Welten |

networking - contacts
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::: offered is :::
| hsitorische Malerei | Popart | Ikonenmalerei | Feelart | Gotik | Ölbilder Kurse Auftragsarbrite | Moderneart | bilder zur vermietung und verk | Öl | Freundlichkeit |


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  • SMALL provision of 10% or 25%
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  • VERY simple to use for artists


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